Sunday, July 4, 2010

rabbi yehuda stern-ohr nava -
it is a mitzvah from the torah to judge everyone favorably, this does not mean that we should be blind, it means we should be able to see all situations in a favorable way. a few stories i heard illustrate this point....
one time, there was a wedding and when the simcha started, the people noticed that the photographer wasnt there, the wedding continued, shmorg.. no photographer.. beddekken.. no photographer he even missed the chuppa!!! he was missing the whole wedding! finally after the first dance the photographer rushes in .. he is snapping shots of everything and anything in sight, all the people at the simcha started whispering "how unproffesional! how untrustworthy" and everyone is very upset with him and look down upon him. a couple of weeks later, a guy who was close with the chassan and kallah was very mad about what had happened, his friends barely had any pictures from the most important day of their lives, he went over to the photographer from the wedding and said to him " how dare you? the photographer responded "what? who are you? what did i do wrong??" .. the guy replied " you missed the whole wedding! you came so late! the camera man replied " me? i dropped everything so that i could save the wedding, i wasnt the original photographer!! they called me last minute i got a crew together in 10 minutes and ran over to the simcha! i was the backup plan , i did all i could to get as many pictures!!...... you could imagine how horrible that guy felt when he walked away from that conversation. what we learn here is that there is so much more that meets the eye, we never really know the whole story.. this photographer was a tzadik! he easily could have said no way im not coming , you should have chose my photography company first, but NO , he ran over as fast as he could to help remember this special event in their lives.
Another story that shows how important it is to have an ayin tova is about a young boy who has a rare disease. the disease goes undetected until the young boy ate a certain type of meat. the damage done to him was SO great that if he were to eat that meat again he wouldn't make it. the doctor gave very strict orders to keep it away from the boy so that he would not fall ill again. one night the boy smelled a piece of this meat and he couldnt resist the temptation and ate it! he was found unconcious! the doctors said it was a pure miracle that he survived, he was weak now and very fragile. his parents were so scared so they made sure to be very strict and always kept tabs on where their son was so that he wouldnt come in contact with the meat. they were very strict for several years.. the father was a very successful business man and he made a fully catered affair in their house it was after the boys bedtime so he thought it would be safe to bring out the meats. all his guests arrived, there were hundreds of people there! from the corner of his eye he saw his son coming down the stairs, and he saw a waiter holding the meat that could potentially KILL his son, the father charged at his son tackling him to the ground... imagine what the crowd thought.." hes crazy, hes a monster" but really he was saving his sons life !
we always have to make sure to be looking for the bigger picture in every situation and judge everyone favorably, we have to be so careful, and if we do live our lives with an ayin tova you could be sure that youll see people and the world in a much more positive light!!!

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