Wednesday, March 16, 2011

what will you ask for??

Imagine your child is sick and is going to die but then miraculously was healed, there is no way to accurately describe the joy the parents would feel. Every year they would have a kiddush to commemorate this miracle. But we all know as time goes on we lose a little of that excitement, and the real joy dies down a little, we lose some of that emotion.
Hashems child is am yisroel and there was a decree to kill us. We were Hashems sick child and there was no hope for us. But all of a sudden mordechai came and saved us. Hashem is filled with immeasurable joy. There were many new mitzvot and Hashem was so excited that He put us on the fast track to building the second beis hamikdash.
Hashem is NOT human. Every year Hashem rejoices with the same happiness he felt during the time of the purim story. On purim hashem opened the gates to shamayim and completely changed the decree (v'nahafoch hu). On purim day year in and year out everything is fair game nothing is unreachable or unattainable.
Someone who is angry during megilah reading can lose everything because when we read the megilla Hashem is replaying the purim story as if it is happening now. Every year we are being saved. The jews in the purim story went to bed thinking they would die, but by the time they were sleeping the decree was changed and the man responsible was hung - v'nahafoch hu.
The main mitsvah of purim is tefilla. There is nothing we cannot accomplish at this time. Anything you want to daven for, daven for it now. There is nothing we can't ask for on this day (ain davar sh'ee efshar b'yom hazeh). On this day we can accomplish it all ( b'yom zeh efshar le'haseeg et hakol)
Yom kipurim- a day we sit in shul davening to hashem, UNSURE if he will say yes or no.
Purim- we are SURE hashem will say yes.
Hashem WILL say YES

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