Sunday, May 29, 2011

From Rav Ehrman's blog

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Sweetest, beloved friends SHAAALOM!

After a week of soul searching I have made a decision about what I am going to attempt - and succeed at BS"D. As you may know in a few days I will no longer be affiliated with any Yeshiva or Seminary. This allows me to fulfill a DREAM which I hope will change many peoples lives for the better.


I would like to start a kollel. But not just any kollel.

A kollel unlike any other kollel in the world! A kollel where the curriculum consists primarily of mussar, character refinement, chassidus, Emuna, shalom bayis, raising children, learning how to daven, learning ahavas yisroel, with a stress on the emotional aspects of avodas Hashem etc.. Teaching and learning the writings of the Baal Shem Tov, Rav Yisroel Salanter, Ramchal, Maharal, Rav Kook etc. etc. A place where talmidei chachomim are only accepted to the program if they are true bnei aliyah. High intellect and vast knowledge is NOT ENOUGH [although if a person is not deeply grounded in Gemara then he will not be accepted. Part of Avodas Hashem is studying profound lomdus and svara]. We are searching for men who want to learn in order to purify their hearts and achieve true closeness with Hashem. The goal is that the members go out into the world and spread the light using the skills and knowledge they gained in the kollel. The future Rosh Kollel has many ideas to disseminate and just needs the means to do it. YOU can make it happen.


I am planning on coming to the United States soon in order to drum up interest for the program [which will start BEZ"H next Elul]. You can help if you know of any place where I can speak, give a shiur or be scholar in residence for Shabbos. Also, if you could set me up with people of means who would be interested in furthering this ground breaking [not to mention yetzer hara breaking] project. The purpose is not chas vi'shalom to make money off of this but to spread Dvar Hashem in this world that seems all too often to be bereft of it. Money is a necessary means to make it happen. I have to pay to rent a beis midrash and also give a stipend to the kollel fellows. You can also forward this letter to a lot of people so that the idea becomes public knowledge.

It is very easy to read this and ignore it. Hey, I don't see you and you don't see me, so you remain completely anonymous. Cool. But Hashem knows and I really believe that this kollel will be a fulfillment of His will. If you do what you can to help I believe your reward will be eternal, not to mention the eternal debt of gratitude I will feel towards you. I believe that we can start a trend and make the world a more spiritual, holy, loving place.

The kollel will be non partisan. I personally see myself as a litvish-yeshivish-chassidish-charedi-tziyoni-american-israeli-yu-mercaz-harav-chaim-berliner who tries to incorporate EVERYTHING that contributes to his growth as a mentsch, Ben Torah and Eved Hashem and distance everything that separates me from Hakadosh Baruch Hu. I also don't like labels at all and just use them so that people get the idea ["Labels are for cans"]. I plan on accepting anybody open-minded enough to grow, who meets the high standards of this institution of higher learning and feeling.

So if you identify with my goals, PLEASE get involved. There are already a number of good yidden who have volunteered to help.

I was encouraged to pursue this by the Tolna Rebbe Shlita and will be following his Divinely inspired guidance.

My email address is and will be thrilled if anyone takes the trouble to contact me.

On a personal note - I don't think I have EVER been as excited about ANYTHING in my life. I think that this is HUGE.

But I can't do it all alone.


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