Ohr Naava presents a Day to Disconnect. October 2, 2011
Create the Revolution
A Day to Disconnect is a worldwide movement, spearheaded by Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein of Ohr Naava, which will take place on October 2, 2011. On that day thousands of people will voluntarily unplug their gadgets for some time – an hour, two or even all day. During this time, those who chose to disconnect will take pleasure in cherished relationships be it spouses, children, family, self or Gd.Our goal is accumulate a total of one million hours. Can you imagine the impact of thousands of people choosing to disconnect their phones for an hour?
Can you visualize the amount of good accomplished during this time? Can you feel the impact of couples taking a walk together basking in nature and fully focused on one another? Can you see the glee in the hearts of the children who share their dreams, hopes and fears with honestly attentive parents? Can you see the intensity of the laugh lines on grandparents' faces as they passionately share stories of yesteryear uninterrupted by texting? Can you imagine an hour without obsessively checking your cell for messages?
An hour where you feel present in the moment, an hour to close your eyes and be transported by the intricacies in a piece of music, an hour to communicate with our hearts, an hour of peace? Can you visualize the creativity and power that will be unleashed?
The possibilities are truly awesome.
Life is Great. Disconnect and Enjoy.
How it Works
By signing up you are choosing to make a commitment to disconnect from all technology in an effort to synchronize a meaningful hour or hours with yourself, your friends, your family and/or with Gd.Simply complete the registration form on the website and you have now joined the revolution. To be an active participant and create an impact on the world, recommend this website to friends and family.
The more hours you commit and get others to commit the greater your ultimate reward. You are restoring relationships, fostering inner peace, closing chasms and offering nature its due.
Upon registering you will receive a follow-up email confirming your inclusion in Day to Disconnect. Keep checking your personal page to see how many of your family and friends signed up as a result of your suggestion. Keep checking in with us to see the tally of hours we accumulated.
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