Reader's Question:
In regard to the halachos about pregnant women not stepping on nails, I'm curious if a pregnant woman would be allowed to get a manicure/pedicure in a nail salon where there are probably nails on the floor. Is the halacha that one should be careful to dispose of one's nails properly? Or is the halacha that a pregnant woman should be careful not to step on nails?
The halacha is for both the person cutting the nails to be careful, but also for the woman to avoid walking there and endangering her unborn child.
I received the following email from a reader: "A point about nails: R' Shmuel Felder [Shlita, Dayan of Bais Medrash Govoha] told me that a pregnant women should not go into a nail salon (where they give manicures, etc.)."
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