Although we know that the Holy days of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are emotional days, we find that during the closing of Yom Kippur and specifically in the special moments of Tefilas Ne’ilah, our people have a tendency to become even more emotional and to weep. Why?
The answer can be explained with a parable. Imagine a King has an only daughter who gets married to a boy from a faraway province. This princess who is used to living in the lap of luxury, must now live on her own in a distant place. Some time after her marriage, the King receives a letter from his daughter full of a longing and desire to see her Father. In the letter, she complains bitterly regarding the simple folk who live in her town. She complains that she is not being treated in accordance with her stature and that she feels miserable living in this boorish and low environemt. The King reads this letter and is concerned for his daughter. He immediately sends word to the town that he will be making a personal visit to the town in just a few weeks. Naturally, this small town starts buzzing with excitement! The king himself is coming to visit! In the ensuing few weeks, the town feverishly prepares for the Kings visit. The streets are swept and cleaned and lavish feasts are prepared. People purchase new clothing in honor of the Kings visit, etc. On the day of the Kings arrival, the entire town comes out to greet their King. The King joins the town for 10 days of festivities and celebrations where the King gets to interact personally with his Daughter, who is naturally ecstatic to be living in her Fathers embrace once again! During his stay, the King finds the community to be attentive and pleasant. However, as he gets ready to depart back to his castle, his daughter begins to weep all over again and begs her Father to stay! The King is puzzled and asks his daughter why she seems so upset…indeed, the people of this town and the atmosphere seems so pleasant!!.. The daughter explains to her father as follows, “My dear Father, don’t you understand that all of these festivities and goodwill was generated just for your visit. However, now that you are going back home, things will slide back into the normal routine which I cannot bear! Please, please do not go away!!! Stay here with me!
This parable is aptly applied to our penchant for crying bitter tears during the closing moments of Yom Kippur. Indeed, the weeks of Elul and all the way up to the culmination of Yom Kippur, are incredible days of Holiness and a closeness with Borei Olam! We are literally living with Hashem and it is like Heaven on this Earth! In this time of bliss, we forget our previous despondency over our ‘reality’. However, in the closing precious moments of Ne’ilah when Hashem is getting ready to depart back to the Heavenly spheres (as it says in the pasuk “Yoshev Bashamayim Yischok”), we cry out to Hashem and we say TATTY!! PLEASE DON’T GO AWAY FROM US, STAY HERE WITH US, WE NEED YOU!!
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