we need your tefilos urgently-the one year old daughter of one of the faculty members in MMY is undergoing a serious operation because of health complications and these next few days are critical. Please take some time to daven for and say tehilim for the complete refuas hanefesh and refuas haguf for ACHINOAM RINA BAS AVITAL HODAYA-and PLEASE spread the word to everyone you can to have her in mind. Also, please keep the name faige bas bracha rochel leah in mind for a quick refuah shelema
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
hafrashas challah segula...
anyways, this week there is an attempt for a challah segula for yehuda moshe yosef ben miriam.
there are 20 bakers so far, 20 more are needed.
please contact ayelet.reyna@gmail.com if you or someone you know can be counted, tizku l'mitzvos.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Loving Kindness
Loving Kindness
18 Cheshvan, 5771 / October 26, 2010
Day 48 - The Chesed Primer
Electricity is a powerful, complex force. One perceives it only in its final manifestation; it can light up a city, make factory machinery hum, empower vast computer networks or just shed a little light on the dinner table. If one wants to understand how electricity really works, one must study the physics, the scientific formulas that express what is really happening within the wires. Chesed is the most powerful force of all. It is the force that runs the world, and like any mighty force, it contains within it many unseen dimensions. The Chofetz Chaim provides a formula that unlocks the mysteries of chesed, revealing its inner dynamics. That key is the alef-beis.
The Talmud (Shabbos 104a) introduces this formula. It relates that small children came into the study hall and introduced concepts so deep that even in the days of Joshua ben Nun — in the generation that directly followed the giving of the Torah — such ideas were not taught. One might wonder what profound wisdom these small children had to teach. Their wisdom, the Talmud says, was precisely the wisdom of little children. They taught the alef-beis: “ ‘Alef-beis’stands for ‘alef binah,’ ” they said. “Alef ” means learning, and “binah” means understanding. This refers to the study of Torah.
The next letters in their “lecture” were “gimmel” and “daled,” which stand for “gemol dalim,” meaning “help the poor.” Parenthetically, the Chofetz Chaim explains that this phrase does not mean one should not help a wealthy person in need. It merely recognizes that the poor are more often in need of help, and have fewer resources to turn to. Looking more closely at the “gimmel,” there is a further message. The letter is formed with a “foot” that extends to the right, toward the “daled.” In “gemol dalim,” the help — the “gemol” — is extended toward the poor — the “dalim.” One whose desire is to help the poor will extend himself toward them, seeking out those who need his help rather than waiting for them to appear on his doorstep.
The next two letters of the alef-beis — “hei” and “vav” — represent Hashem’s name. The Chofetz Chaim explains this segment of Talmud by referring to another segment (Bava Basra75b), which says that a time will come when the righteous are called by Hashem’s name; the righteous will overflow with such Godliness that they will actually bear Hashem’s name.
This, says the Chofetz Chaim, explains the sequence of alef-beis that the children expounded. “Alef binah,” if a person commits himself to learning Torah; and “gemol dalim,” if he helps the poor; then he arrives at “hei” and “vav.” Hashem will pronounce His name upon him.
As the Talmud relates, the interpretation given by these small children came as an awakening to those who heard them. “Why didn’t we ever realize this?” they wondered. The Sages explain that the words of children — even when they do not understand completely what they are saying — are sometimes a medium of prophecy. Hashem provided this channel to mitigate the loss of the full power of prophecy, which He removed from His people. By listening carefully to the words of these children, one can comprehend the formula that makes kindness the moving force in Hashem’s Creation.
Step by Step
Any Torah learning that I do today I will complement with an act of kindness.
How Often Do We Focus on the Physical While the Spiritual Lags Behind?
by Rabbanith Ruth Menashe
His host replied: "Times are tough and the business is not doing at all well. Replacing the Tzitzit and reparing the Tefillin is a big expense, which is beyond my means." The guest replied, "Had I seen you save when it comes to your household expenses, I would have kept quiet. But I see that this is not the case. It seems to me that the fact that you are pressed financially applies only to expenses concerning your service of G-d".
Chacham Yosef Chaim a"h who tells us this insightful story continues as follows. "I noticed", said the guest, "that a number of times when you drank water, you forgot to say the "Bracha Acharona". At times you did not even recite the blessing before eating."
The relative answered: "My mind is so overloaded that at times I simply forget". "Well," replied the guest, "I listened to your conversations with your family members and was impressed at how well you remembered how much money each one took from you and how you remembered all that without the use of a pad. You memorized the entire information in your head!" (The full version of this story can be read in Birkat Chayyim, Shoftim).
Don't we sometimes fall into the self same trap and act similarly? Aren't we pressed with time when it comes to saying Tefilla (prayer) or visiting a sick person but waste plenty of time on "nonsense"? Don't we find it difficult to put our hands in our pockets for a "religious purpose" but spend freely in the mall on unnecessary items?
In the haftarah of Parashat Shoftim, the prophet Yeshayahu cries out to his people and says: "And you have forgotten G-d, your maker..." The Ben Ish Chai comments on how ironic it is! We forget that which is spiritual, but remember very well physical materialistic matters. In fact, the opposite should be true. It is enough to just open our eyes and look around us. The Heaven, the earth, the trees, flowers and mountains, the whole creation is constantly around us. How can one forget G-d and spirituality? His presence is constantly around us.
I saw this on Rav Ehrmans blog, Mevakesh Lev. If you have not checked it out i advise you to do so it will change your life. Rav Ehrman is amazing.
I have been single [22 years] and married [16 years] and frankly being married is a thousand times better [even though my parents treated me really nicely:)]. In almost all respects it is better. No, sweetest friends - it is not good for man to be alone. [It is also not good to drink Coke but that is for another post.]
So please - set someone up. Bring a couple together and build the Jewish people. Focus on the older singles who have been alone for longer and have a narrower field of prospects. Help a divorcee, or better, a widow or widower. It is not their fault that their spouse died! Yet people often shy away from such people.
And daven. Davening is good. It helps metaphysically and also helps one transcend their personal problems and concerns. It isn't good to think about oneself all of the time as many people do. This is actually our nature but we were created to elevate ourselves.
After you davened pick up the phone. Call. "Hey, do I have someone for you.......!!!"
Love and blessings and see you at the chuppah!:)
Monday, October 25, 2010
picture a little 5 yr old and what they are going through!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Proper Speech Lesson of the Day - 16th of Cheshvan
This learning is dedicated liiluy the neshamot of Shlomo ben Mordechai and Rochel bat Sarah.
It is not necessary to explicitly mention someone's name for a statement to be considered lashon hara. If the listener will be able to deduce the identity of the person you are referring to, it is considered lashon hara as well.
It is best to refrain completely from making any disparaging remarks. Even though you might think that the subject of your remark is unknown to your listeners, or that you have given them insufficient evidence by which to deduce their identity, you may be wrong.
(Guard Your Tongue by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin)
Create a wonderful day!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Hey We're Cool!
While this makes sense, as modern society has become one of do your own thing regardless of historical or cultural boundaries, it puts chassidim (and Jewish orthodoxy in general) together with past counter-cultural movements such as the hippies and vegans.
Be hip, be cool, be strictly religiously Jewish. Consider it your way of rebelling!
Suddenly my black hat, long black coat and grey beard are cool and rebellious. Nice!
by Reb Akiva
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Torah should MOVE you
The above passage teaches us the necessity of learning Torah out loud, even when learning alone. Part of the idea is as Beruriah expressed it: only by involving our entire body in the process of learning - with movements, vocal expression, and the like - can we truly hope to acquire our Torah in the proper manner.
Similarly, there is a story with the author of the Noda B'Yehuda, Reb Yechezkel Landau that illustrates this point. While serving as Dayan in Brody, there was a group of secularists who sought to discredit him. One of their ploys was to recruit a gentile boy and tutor him in Torah until he was beyond fluent, not only in the Torah, but the nuance, inflection, and colloquialisms of the Yeshiva community.
In other words,a flawless forgery.
Bringing this boy to the Dayan, he was tested for hours on a broad range of subjects in Torah. Halacha, Aggadah, Hashkafah, this boy knew it all and held his own.
Eventually, the Noda B'Yehuda dismissed him with a wave of his hand. "This is all meaningless. He is not Jewish."
He said it with such conviction that his detractors realized that their facade had failed. "Rabbi - how did you know?" they asked him.
Rav Landau turned to them and said "It's certainly possible for someone to have such a level of mastery in Torah. But one thing: the entire time, the boy sat there like a statue, rattling off halachas and sugyas, but not moving even once. A Jew who learns Torah cannot help but move; he'll sway and shuckle, because the vibrancy of Torah is coursing through his veins. A Jew must move when he is learning Torah!"
Taken from B'nei Machshava Tova
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Yankel and I've been sitting in the row right behind you in shul for close to 16 years.
With the help of Hakadosh Baruch Hu, I have a beautiful family and a successful business.I have everything I want and need.
Normally I would tell you this in person when I'd see you in shul during davening, or maybe when there is even more time to schmooze, during chazaras hashatz or krias haTorah.
However, recently that changed.
The past few months we've seen tragedy as never before. An entire family wiped out and recurring terrorist attacks.
The ugly specter of anti-Semitism rising worldwide as never before. Patients lying in the hospital suffering from debilitating illnesses.
The loss of so many close friends due to illness and fatal car accidents. The number of young almanos and yesomim is growing by the day.
The number of families who can no longer stay afloat in these financially turbulent times is mind-boggling.
There are so many similar situations that each one of us knows personally.
The strength in Klal Yisroel lies in the love and responsibility each member feels for the others. With this in mind, I am beseeching you - no, begging you - to join me in a unique project to help counter these horrible tragedies that our nation is facing.
We are just beginning a new year, one which we will pray will be filled with yeshuosand good health for all of us.
One way to invoke Hashem's mercy is to follow the advice of the Tosafos Yom Tov: to focus on silence during davening as a way to bring Hashem's brachos upon us.
I am mekabel upon myself (bli neder) to refrain from talking during davening, with the sincere prayer that this kabbalah will bring greater brachos into my life and the lives of those who are an integral part of my life: all of you.
Please, please join me with whatever kabbalah you can make - for all the tefillos, just one, or even during chazaras haShatz or krias haTorah.
It will lend an aura of greater kedushah to our shuls and batei medrash. It would be a tremendous zechus for a yeshuah for all those in need if you would agree to join me in this powerful source of brachah.
Don't look down during davening. Look up. Look around you and see who needs your tefillos for health, for livelihood or for peace.
Daven for them, and b'ezras Hashem all of our tefillos will be answered l'tovah.
Let us storm the Heavens ... with our silence.
אבינו מלכנו סתום פיות משטיננו ומקטריגנו.
I love you all and wish you and your loved ones a year filled with Bracha , health and Parnasah.
I highly recommend all to attend!
Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg
There are always questions in regards to what the month of Cheshvan is supposed to mean to us. It is a month that is seemingly devoid of anything special- so what are we supposed to be focusing on and feeling during this month?
The Bnei Yisaschar writes that Hashem appointed each month with different attributes. Cheshvan was given: Shevet Menashe, the letter Nun, the intestine, and the Mazal of the month is the scorpion.
Let’s work backwards and try to understand why each of these things was attributed to this specific month.
Menashe- named because Hashem helped him forget all his troubles. What’s the negative of Menashe? We just had Tishrei and felt so inspired, and now we are left with nothing. That excitement that we just had is no longer with us. Were starting to lose ourselves again!
Nun- We know that there is no letter Nun in Ashrey. Why? Because the letter Nun hints to falling. This is the same feeling that we see comes from Menashe- we feel like we are slipping and that we are not as strong as we were in Tishrei.
Intestines- Shem Mishmuel writes that the intestines are cold. Bloodless appearance because they are white, part of that cold image and lack of Avodat Hashem.
Scorpion- known as the most dangerous animal. The Mishna that tells us that if there is a snake around your leg, you should continue to daven and you should not let it effect you. We can work with the snake and deal with it, but the Mishna tells us that when it comes to a scorpion we cannot act this way, and if it shows up then you must run for your life. Why is this fitting? It paints this struggle that we are trying to portray. The scorpion holds us back from allowing us to continue doing our Avodah that we have been trying to perfect.
So it is true that Cheshvan seems empty, but now is the time to work the plan that we have been cultivating since the Chagim! We made commitments in Tishrei- so now lets put it into action. Were we real in Tishrei or were we all talk?
How does Tishrei end? Simchat torah and the Hakafot- what’s the idea of Hakafot? The Chidushay Harim explains that “Makif” means to give on credit- Hashem has been giving us loans the whole month of Tishrei. He has been giving us Mitzvot and things for a whole month, and now Hashem wants to see if were going to pay back our loans.
Parshat Lech Lecha- Avraham sets his mind to go to Kna’an and he goes. The Chofetz Chaim explains that we need to strive to be like Avraham Avinu. How so? Avraham follows through with what he says he is going to do, and he stays strong to the commitment that he made to go to Kna’an. In contrast, Terach stops in Charan and decides not to follow through with his plan. Avraham goes the way all, and this is a big lesson that we must all learn from him. We have all made commitments that we said we were going to keep, and now is the time to act like Avraham Avinu and stick to those promises that we made.
Rashi (13:3) tells us that when Avraham was returning from Egypt to go back to Kna’an, he went back to same hotels that he went to on the way, because he wanted to pay back his debt, and pay back his Hakafot- just like the Chidushay Harim says, that we must pay back the debt we owe G-d.
Mesechet Yuma- Any Talmid Chacham who’s inside and outside are not parallel, is not really a Talmid Chacham. What is Rava talking about? The Mizbeach wasn’t mamash gold all the way through; it was three boxes: gold, wood, and than another layer of gold. There is wood in the inside, so it was not fully gold through and through. So how can we compare a Talmid Chacham to that and tell him that if he’s not like that, he’s not a Talmid Chacham? It makes no sense!
What’s Pshat? Sometimes you need to use wood to get back to gold. Wood being the Yetzer Hara, you try to utilize that to get back to the good. The good months are the shiny gold on the outside, and the “boring” months are the ones that require wood. Those months require us to work for what we want, which is to be Ovday Hashem. We have to put up the fight and finish the job, even when it’s not so shiny. This is a Klal in life that we always encounter “ Gold, Wood, Gold.” The Avodah is to push through and come out on top even during the times that are not so easy. It is the Marchesvan’s that define u, and make us what we are.
EXAMPLE: Exodus from Egypt= Gold
Midbar= Wood
Matan Torah= Gold
The Luchot were created in a way that the words penetrated all the way through. What’s the point of this?
Rav Hirsch- “ The words of Sinia must grip us not only superficially and one-sidedly. It must penetrate us through and through, it must set its stamp indelibly on every side of our being, and whichever way we are turned, the writing of G-d must be visible on us clearly and legibly. Be a Jew through and through. Whichever way you are turned, you are a Jew.” No matter what is going on, we must act like a complete Jew.
Now that we have seen something redeemable for MarCheshvan, let’s try to flip around all the things we spoke about earlier as being negative, and try to see them for the Tov.
Intestines- Torah is a set and it works together and nothing can be left out. The intestines are part of the body, and without one wouldn’t be able to survive. Jewish calendar year is also a set, and you can’t choose when you want to give it your all. Each month is vital for your existence, just like the Intestines. Cheshvan is just as important as Tishrei.
Nun- We said it’s a Nefila- all the things you took upon yourself you are now drowning in! Shem Mishmuel- the falling is itself a way to pick yourself up, it’s a month where you look like you are falling but you can jump up and spring forward. It’s not separate, because hidden within the fall is a way to pick yourself up.
Scorpion- it has the word “kar” in it but it also has the word “karov”- close. Tishrei is not so far away as we think, it’s still close, and we can grasp it easily.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Pokeyach Ivrim
Monday, October 18, 2010
Yarzheit of Rochel Imeinu
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Boys in Japan
The trial date is set for Oct -18-20. There is a NationwideTehillim Teleconfrence being set up being set up please call 718-258-2008 select option 9 the selction 9
Tuesday evening at 9 p.m. Oct. 19
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Breslever baby learning
What Hashem won't ask...
What Hashem Won’t Ask...
Hashem won’t ask what kind of care you drove,
He’ll ask how many people you drove who did not have transportation.
Hashem won’t ask the square footage of your house,
He’ll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.
Hashem won’t ask about the clothes you had in your closet,
Hell ask how many people you helped to clothe.
Hashem won’t ask what your highest salary was,
He’ll ask if you compromised your character to get it.
Hashem won’t ask what your job title was,
He’ll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.
Hashem won’t ask how many friends you had,
He’ll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.
Hashem won’t ask in what neighborhood you lived,
He’ll ask how you treated your neighbors.
Hashem won’t ask about your appearance,
He’ll ask about the content of your character.
Hashem won’t ask why it took so long to seek forgiveness,
He’ll ask why you didn’t forgive those who wronged you.
Proper Speech Lesson of the Day- 6th of Cheshvam
Torah Ohr
575 Middle neck Rd
Great Neck, NY
Separate Seating
401 9th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
doors open 9:00pm
Separate Seating
ROC HOUSE (Ramath Orah)
550 West 110th Street
New York, NY
$15 / $12 students
Separate Seating
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
White Ribbons

Rav Mendel Weinbach, Rosh Yeshiva of Ohr Sameach, recounts a remarkable story of the power of Asher Yatzar. A father of a six year old autistic child decided to sponsor 300 posters of Asher Yatzar, placed outside of bathrooms, to help his son. The next morning his son woke up and began to speak, his autism was gone.
The Seder Hayom even codifies, "One should make this bracha with proper kavana, and say every word etc., and if one is complete in his thoughts… he will not become sick his entire life, nor will he need a doctor or healing, and therefore, one must make the bracha with complete intention and full cognizance, to the Healer of all mankind and the wonderous creator"..
challah baking
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Proper Speech Lesson of the Day- 4th of Cheshvan
In merit of this learning may Rochel Tova bat Yehudis Esther and Dovid ben Rivka each be blessed with health, happiness, and only revealed good. May they each merit an immediate refuah shleima bitoch she'ar cholei yisrael.
If someone tells you private information, even if they didn't request that it remain secret, about their business or any personal matter, you are not allowed to disclose it to others. Your doing so could cause the person who confided in you financial loss, embarrassment, or other damage.
However, if that person related information concerning themselves in the presence of three or more people and did not request secrecy, you are permitted to relate it to others. We can assume that the person doesn't mind the information being shared. Note - Use your judgment, think about the information, group, and context in which the information was divulged as well as the consequences of you repeating it.
(Guard Your Tongue by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin)
Create a wonderful day!
Monday, October 11, 2010
The little girl is hopefully going to be transfered to LIJ tommorrow. She is still on a respirator.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Proper Speech Lesson of the Day 2nd of Cheshvan
In the merit of this learning may Deena Rachel bat Yedudit and Yochanan Aharon ben Rachel each be blessed with complete physical, spiritual, and emotional health, happiness, and only revealed good.
Many people erroneously feel justified in ridiculing a Torah lecture or sermon. Unfortunately, this practice is quite common and the source of serious harm. Even if it is true that the delivery was poor or that the content was laking depth, we are not allowed to mock or ridicule the speaker.
Our assessment of a lecture is in many instances largely a subjective matter. One person may enjoy light parables, while someone else prefers intricate philosophical discussions. Even though you did not appreciate what was said, others might have. Our biased and often nonconstructive assessment can ruin others ability to learn and benefit from the lecture.
(Guard Your Tongue by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin)
Friday, October 8, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller: NEW Teleconferenece Series...The Holidays are over...Now What
We received this information regarding a live, interactive workshop with Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller and we are passing it on to you:
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller: Cheshvan Inspiration and Motivation
- 4 LIVE, INTERACTIVE CLASSES sharing Torah insights
- A weekly assignment to help your progress and INTERNALIZE the Torah concepts presented
- Personalized advise from Rebbetzin Heller to you
Day: Thursday mornings
Time: 10:00am EDT (7:00am PST)
Dates: October 14, 21, 28, Nov.4
Discounted Workshop Fee: $100 (Regular Fee: $125)
MUST REGISTER BY 11:59pm EST, (8:59pm PDT) TUES, OCTOBER 12 to receive discounted workshop fee.
Got Troubles?
Do we know what it is to suffer? To suffer and yet maintain our emunah, our Torah, our connection to Hashem? Do we know what it is to suffer but the spark of our neshama (soul) so exposed that there is no question of whether we’ll be a strong committed mitzvah observing Jew in the end? That the possibility of us not being a mitzvah observing Jew is no different from us not being a human? Just as we could go through no experience and come out a horse we can go through no experience and come out a non-Jew?
The truth is we’ve faced that trial. For the past 1,750 years have suffered personally and intimately. When the Beis HaMikdash was destroyed the majority of the Jews of Jerusalem were slaughtered. The majority of the population of Israel was exiled (many dying on the way or on arrival to a foreign land). Jews were kept poor and out of many professions until 50 years ago!
Families were destroyed through pogroms, the special target for taxes until starvation. Their children were kidnapped by priests eager to “save a soul”, their children were drafted into the army from childhood for a lifetime, their daughters (if too pretty) were kidnapped by the local authorities or rich for their personal use.
Today we have troubles and we ask, we cry, we scream “G-d, how can you do this to me??? Please have mercy on me and my family!” We wonder how we can survive as a person, as a family, as a Jew, as troubles come upon us… (G-d forbid)
…we lose our home because of a job loss and an adjustable mortgage.
…we lose our job.
…we have health troubles.
…or a car accident with bodily damage and challenging recovery.
or (G-d forbid) the loss of a spouse, or a child, or a parent (at a younger age). The loss of our wealth.
And these troubles multiply their impact. Fights start with our spouse. The children start having trouble in school and get involved in negative things.
Real honest painful troubles with all their extended impact.
Compared to the past we’re BLESSED with such troubles! When EVERY family losing MULTIPLE children was the norm, when widow and widower –hood was frequent, when communities were (occasionally but regularly) destroyed just for being Jewish… since the Holocaust our troubles no longer compare.
…I knew a chossid and rav who had cancer in late middle age. He struggled with the disease for 3 years slowly getting worse. People would come and give him blessings for a speedy and complete recovery and he would tell them QUIET! “Hashem has seen fit to cleanse me in this world for the ultimate tikkun (repair) of my neshama (soul) for the next world. I accept it with joy and THANKS (as he grimaced in pain)! It IS a blessing!”
…I knew a rav, mekubal (kabbalist) and chossid who had Parkinson’s. Simple movements became incredibly challenging and very painful as the disease progressed (called “mobility freezing” as Parkinson's advances). When wished blessings for a recovery he would say “This is the final tikkun (repairs) for my neshama, my last gilgul (last round in this world for all repairs and accomplishments). Do you wish to take that away from me?”
In the midst of our personal pain and troubles it’s hard to realize that they themselves are blessings. Perhaps by comparing our lives to those of generations past we can see that these are challenges that help us grow, cleanse our souls, push us harder and farther. And we can say “thanks Hashem, this too is for the best.”
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Proper Speech Lesson- 28th of Tishrei
In merit of this learning may Meira bat Shulamit and Aviva Chaya bat Lieba each be blessed with health, happiness, and only revealed good. May they each be blessed with a healthy, smooth, and easy birth beshaa tova and a strong and healthy baby.
Many people think that repeating well-known derogatory information is not considered lashon hara. It should be made clear that many hold that there is no difference between negative truths that are well known and negative truths that aren't.
II - example
Mr. Gold read in the New York Times that Mr. Cohen was arrested for an infringement of the law. Even though this is obviously well-known, Mr. Gold should not relate this information to others.
(Guard Your Tongue by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin)
Create a wonderful day!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
An idea on Parashat Noach
A really special girl, Rachelit Mitnick asked a great question last year. If Hashem was completely destroying the world out side of the tevah why did he decide to make it take 40 days? In the end everyone would be dead anyways whether the mabul was a second, an hour, one day, three days, or thirty. What is significant about the number 40? [Great question! Who thinks of that?]. Rav Zvi Ron an amazing Rabbi said that a possible answer is that forty days is the amount of time were something can go from one state to another. This number comes up when discussing the topic of abortion. A fetus before forty days has a very different status then a fetus of 40 days and above. The number forty is common throughout our Torah so it is interesting to think about the different connections they may have with each other. Having the mabul for forty days was Hashem’s way of “re creating” the world. It was like a “rebirth” of our world.
Monday, October 4, 2010
"On wings of Prayer" -Chofetz Chaim
UPDATE ON SHMINI ATZERES FIRE: Yitzchok Issac Krasny Remains In Grave Condition; Etel Krasny Remains Critical – Please Help The Family
(Monday, October 4th, 2010)Just hours after burying 8-year-old Avigdor Krasny A”H, who was tragically killed inthe Shmini Atzeres fire in Flatbush, the parents are asking Klal Yisroel to please be Mispallel for their son, 4-year-old Yitzchok Issac ben Chana.
Yitzchok Issac was transferred on Sunday night from the burn unit in Staten Island, to Long Island Jewish Children’s Hospital, and remains on life support. His condition has not improved, and doctors fear for his life. The Misaskim organization which has taken a leading role in helping the family in their time of need, was contacted during the night by the family to arrange for the father and his close friends to be rushed to his child’s bedside. They also quickly arranged for a Minyan to go to the Kosel to be Mispallel during the night on behalf of the child.
Additionally, 18-month-old Etel bas Chana remains in critical condition on a respirator in the Staten Island Burn Unit. As we post this article (Monday morning), doctors remain concerned, and are considering moving her to a different hospital as well.
Leading Rabbonim are calling on the Tzibur to help the family in their time of need, as they are desperately in need of financial assistance. Additionally, funds are desperately needed for the landlord of the home, a choshuva yungerman with 13 children who lost practically everything in this tragic fire.
It should be noted that whomever contributes to this cause will not only be Mikayem the Mitzvah of Tzedakah, but the rare Mitzvah of “V’ohavta Es HaGer” – as R’ Yaakov Krasny and his Choshuver wife are Geirim for many years. R’ Yaakov Krasny is a member of the kollel in the Mirrer Yeshiva in Flatbush. As one leading Gadol told YWN “they are a couple with unparalleled Yiras Shomayim.
Please click HERE to donate on a secure webpage set up by YWN & Duvys Media in conjunction with local Rabbonim in Flatbush. All funds are tax deductible, and go directly from your credit card (or bank account) to Keren Hatzolas Nefashos.
Checks can also me mailed (or dropped off) to:
Rabbi Eliyahu Brudny Shlita
Keren Hatzolas Nefashos
Keren 231
1752 East 18th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11229
(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)