We received this information regarding a live, interactive workshop with Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller and we are passing it on to you:
Hello Ladies!!
Now that the holiday season is completely over, the real work begins.
It means that you have to let everything you felt at shofar blowing, kol nidrei, and simchas Torah, flow down to your real life.
The question is "How do you pull that off"?
How do we take the holy moment with us?
The holidays are over, NOW WHAT?
Please join us for the next LIVE, INTERACTIVE Teleconference Series with
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller: Cheshvan Inspiration and Motivation
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller: Cheshvan Inspiration and Motivation
guides us with Torah tools to transform our lives for the better.
- 4 LIVE, INTERACTIVE CLASSES sharing Torah insights
- A weekly assignment to help your progress and INTERNALIZE the Torah concepts presented
- Personalized advise from Rebbetzin Heller to you
This LIVE, INTERACTIVE teleconference series is scheduled as follows:
Day: Thursday mornings
Time: 10:00am EDT (7:00am PST)
Dates: October 14, 21, 28, Nov.4
All sessions will include LIVE Q&A with Rebbetzin Heller
The time does not work for you? Do not fret,
The Sessions will be recorded, G-d willing.
Participants will receive mp3 downloads of the replays to listen at and re-listen at your convenience.
Discounted Workshop Fee: $100 (Regular Fee: $125)
MUST REGISTER BY 11:59pm EST, (8:59pm PDT) TUES, OCTOBER 12 to receive discounted workshop fee.
Discounted Workshop Fee: $100 (Regular Fee: $125)
MUST REGISTER BY 11:59pm EST, (8:59pm PDT) TUES, OCTOBER 12 to receive discounted workshop fee.
Limited enrollment!!
To register and reserve your spot:
Step 1:
Please email 613leah@gmail.com and state the following:
"I would like to participate in the "Cheshvan Inspiration" Series. Please charge my credit card in the amount of $100.00 (or $125.00 if after Oct. 12).
Step 2:
Call in your credit card information to: 732-806-1578 (by Tues. 11:59pm EDT to receive discount).
Remember: Discounted workshop fee ends 11:59pm EDT Tues. Oct. 12
Questions? contact 613leah@gmail.com
Gut Shabbos!!
PS Please pass on to your family and friends....Thank you
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