we all know the tefilla is so crucial to our lives and during our tefilla we are constantly asking Hashem for guidance and to answer our prayers... all the answers are right there in front of us in the Torah HaShem gave to klal yisroel ...May Hashem constantly be guiding you to find all the answers to your questions in the torah that you learn and live!
Monday, October 4, 2010
"On wings of Prayer" -Chofetz Chaim
the congregation was surprised to see the new rabbi of their shul finish shmoneh esrei so quickly. the congregants remembered how long his predecessor used to take with his prayers. their amazement was multiplied because they realized the new rabbi was an outstanding torah scholar, greater even than the who had previously held his distinguished position. as soon as the services were over the rabbi rushed to the gemara he had been studying just before services began and resumed poring over its contents. the congregants understood that their rabbis haste with prayer was motivated by his passion for torah stud. but one question stil perturbed them and an elderly jew got up the nerve to ask it. "forgive me for being so forward, honored rabbi, but why do you consider torah study so much more important than prayer that you sacrifice the time of one for the other?" ... the rabbi replied " you have asked a good question but since i dont want to waste time from torah study i will give you a very brief answer, when i pray i speak to G-d, but when i study, G-d talks to me".
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I'm confused - Was the Rabbi saying n essence that Torah is more valuable than Tefillah?