Hilchos Pesach
1826. Things to Remember for Erev Pesach, April 18th
* Siyum for Bechorim Monday morning.
* All male firstborn to either parent must fast, as well as a firstborn following a miscarriage.
* Some Sefardim have the minhag that female firstborn also partake in the siyum.
* Fathers should attend siyum in place of a minor firstborn child.
* Do not say Mizmor Lisoda and Lam'natzeach.
* Stop Eating Chometz end of 4th hour. (Jerusalem 10:03 am, NYC 10:12 am)
* Brush teeth thoroughly before end of zman Achilah.
* Complete Burning of Chometz end of 5th hour. (Jerusalem 11:21 am, NYC 11:34 am)
* Say Kol Chamira - Bittul (Nullification) of Chometz in a language that you understand.
* Remove vacuum cleaner bags with chometz before zman biur chometz.
* Chometz garbage that will not be collected by sanitation before z'man biur should
not be left in garbage cans. Rather, it should be left in bags at the curb.
* Dentures, bi-pates, etc. should be cleaned (and kashered if removable) before zman biur.
* Work restrictions after Chatzos.
* No haircuts or shaving after Chatzos.
* All kitchen and dining areas must be covered before Yom Tov.
* Prepare for the Seder: Roast the Zeroah, Beitzah. Grate the Maror, Make the Charoses, Check
the Maror leaves, mix the salt water.
* Set Shabbos clocks to allow lights to stay on very late for the Seder (Sedorim).
* Many have the minhag to immerse in a mikvah in honor of Yom Tov.
* Prepare Kittel for the Seder. Open any staples or tags left on by the Dry Cleaners.
* For those who eat gebrokts one may only eat boiled foods with matzoh meal (e.g. knaidlach).
* One may not eat baked matzoh meal products at any time during the day.
* After Mincha Ketanah (Jerusalem4:26 pm, NYC 4:50 pm) one may not eat knaidlach, drink
wine, or fill oneself.
* Many have the minhag to recite the order of the Korbon Pesach (printed in many Haggados)
after Mincha, thereby meriting as if having offered a Pesach sacrifice in the Bais hamikdash.
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