rabbi wallerstein askd the Q about why maror is dipped into charoset ... marror is bitter represnting the backbreaking work we did and how bitter our life was and charoset is representing the bricks that the jews had to built so a- why are we dipping sadness into sadness ? and b- charoset is sweet, its apples cinoman sugar and it represents something horrible i.e the bricks we built (also when there was no cement left the egyptians used jewish babies to fill in the spot where a brick was needed )
so the answer is that while this was going on...there was a judgement of the jewish people and of mitzraim going on in shamayim. and the malach of the egyptians made a claim that Hashem cant punish the mitzrim for throwing the baby boys into the river bc the king decreed that and if they didnt do it they would have died - they were under pressure and it was the babies lives or their own- so Hashem said ok fine i wont destroy the mitzrim bc it wasnt their fault they were under alot of pressure.. but then michoel who is the malach that usually saves beni yisroel came and said to Hashem," its true that the mitzrim were under presure because they were decreed to throw the babies in the river BUT in the case of bricks , when there were missing bricks NO ONE TOLD THEM TO FILL THOSE EMPTY PLACES WITH JEWISH BABIES...that was something they chose to do on their own and thousands of babies died.... so Hashem said ur right and IN THE MERIT OF THOSE BABIES that died in the bricks... THATS EXACTLY THE REASON HASHEM SAVED US ..
so really that bitterness brought about the redemption and thats why Hashem killed the mitzrm and saved us
so the msg is that sometimes those things that break our backs and hurt us and seemingly "kill us" are what saves us in retrospect
thats why charoset is sweet bc Hashem knew it was going to save us and wanted us to know that even when things seem bitter and we dont know why -its really good for us we sometimes just dont know and maybe if we wait it out.. well realize it
Chag Sameach !
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