after the most spiritual and rewarding year of my life, i am home. this is not my permanent home.. there is where my family is and i was raised and educated here. i was granted the zechus to study this year in the holiest city in the world yerushalaim at the finest in torah education, midreshet moriah. i was blessed to gain not only torah skills but life lessons while i did my time at midreshet. from the power of tefila, the Rav's message on not asking why but what can i do now and how can i fix this, all the way to something i learned towards the end of my time at midreshet. "in this world, there are no answers. in the next world, there are no questions." i owe my parents, rabbeim, teachers mentors and friends tremendous hacaras hatov for this year and all of the knowledge and skills i acquired while there. on a different note, as many of you know my grandfather was recently diagnosed with cancer and is in need of a refua. finding out such news so far a way is difficult for anyone but baruch hashem for my support system at midreshet i felt as though i was home with my family. today on the way back from the airport, my parents turned to me and said unfortunately our family has whitenessed another shock, my 15 year old cousin, grandson of this grandfather was just diagnosed with a cancer as well. i will do my best to continue using these skills as well as the many others. please daven for
yehuda moshe yosef ben miriam as well as
benzion klonamus chaim ben leah rachel.
please pass this on.
hashem should bless us all to see refua from choleh amecha and we should all be zoche to live and continue on the right derech until 120.
tizku l'mitzvos
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