Rashi Pasuk 7 - "Ayno Hitato"- his eye caused him to err.
Rav Meir Shapiro asks a question in regard to this phrase- why does it say "Ayno"- shouldn't it be plural? Why does Rashi write it this way, Bdvaka in the singular?
He explains that every person should have two eyes: one eye should be focused on the Gadlut Ha'adam, and on the potential greatness we can attain. The first eye can be classified by "Bishvili Nivrah Haolam." In contrast to this, the second eye should focus on the Shiflut Ha'adam, on the lowliness of man. This eye is generally classified by "Anochi Afar Va'efer".
Rav Meir writes that Korach was lacking majorly when it came to his Shiflut Ha'adam. Korach didn't have the Middah of Anivus, and the only eye that seemed to be "working" was his eye of Gadlut Ha'adam. Therefore, his ego stood in the way of allowing any sort of compromise, and thus we see that his eye did indeed cause him to sin.
We know that tommorow is Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, the first of the two official summer vacation months. The Mekubalim say that that these two months represent our two eyes- and they allude to the idea that we should really be focused on our Shmirat Ha'aynayim during this time. We can all learn from Korach that we must be cautious when it comes to understanding what our two eyes really mean. We should all strive to find the proper balance between our Ga'ava and our Aniva, and in doing so - rectify the sin of Korach.
When we correct Korach's ways, we will steal back these two "Esav" months of Tammuz and Av. I have no doubts that we will be Matzliach this summer and I am confident that together we will bring Moshiach!!!
Kol Hayeshuos and Gutten Shabbos Kodesh!
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