Friday, June 4, 2010

Parshat Shlach

I'm sorry I didn't have time to come up with my own dvar torah, but i found this one on and thought there was a great message!

"V'Avdi Kalev Eikev Hayisa Ruach Acheres Imo Vayimalei Acharai", my servant Kalev, because he possessed in him a different spirit, and followed Me fully (Shlach 14:24). Hashem says that Kalev will be rewarded. What about Yehoshua? Further what was this Ruach Acheres, a different spirit that the Torah speaks about?

The Shalal Rov brings from Rav Yehuda Kahana (brother of the Ketzos) the gemara (Brachos 34b) that says, "B'Makom SheBaalei Tshuva Omdim Afilu Tzaddikim Gemurim Ein Omdim Sham." Baalei Tshuva ascend to high levels that Tzaddikim cannot reach.

Moshe davened for Yehoshua and therefore Yehoshua was a tzaddik from the beginning of the mission until the end without wavering for a second. Kalev felt pangs within him drawing him towards the mistakes of the rest of the Meraglim. He fought them off relentlessly and broke away to shed tears on his own behalf before the Avos HaKedoshim in Chevron. He struggled against his Yetzer and emerged victorious. He was a true Baal Tshuva and for this earned a special place that Yehoshua could not reach.

The pasuk says that Kalev had a "Ruach Acheres" a spirit that was pushing him to go with the Meraglim. "Vayimalei Acharai", but nevertheless followed Hashem. Therefore Hashem promised him special schar.

-A lot of times we feel pressure from our friends, or peers to act a certain way and we know deep down that it's not the right thing to do, but nonetheless do it because everyone else is and we dont want to be the only ones not. When we daven in the morning we need to ask Hashem to help us with our daily struggles and to do the right thing, even if were the only ones doing it.

Have a good shabbos everyone!

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