I noticed today that each strand of my hair on their own looked scraggly and insignificant but when I pulled the strands together the bends that seemed random at first, formed a perfect curl. This is similar to an idea that boggled my mind for years- one paper towel will rip through and drip, if water is poured on it yet a whole bunch of them together can withstand this. Everyone can figure it out- this is because each layer of paper towels absorbs the leftover water from the previous layer. These examples seem somewhat silly but the lesson to be learned is much greater.
One strand, one paper towel, and one kid on the playground can't do it alone. While alone they may be able to absorb some of the water, at the end of the day they cannot get the job done. Take it from the kids on the playground- you don't win red rover by yourself. You win by holding hands and coming together with everyone around you so that all of your strengths collectively can stop any kids from the opposite team from breaking your chain!
Am Yisrael is meant to be an am, not each man for himself. We can't expect to win the battle alone but need to come together as a nation to prevent any of our enemies from breaking us! Now if anyone got up and started trying to rally every Jew around to hold hands to protect us from our enemies they'd probably end up in an asylum. Start small. Make peace with your friends, your family, your neighbor. Apologize first. Let go of your anger quickly. Don't hold a grudge. Bring shalom and achdus so we can be zoche to see the geula- B'mhayra B'yamainu!
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