Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sweetening the harsh judgments

Dear Reb Lazer,

Please help me. I feel like Hashem is slowly crushing me. I finish a lousy day at work with a heartless boss, then come home to a wife who never seems to be pleased and get a migraine from three yelling kids. My learning sucks, and as far as davenning goes, I'm just going through the motions. I feel like I'm sinking in quicksand, and soon I'll go under. What can I do? Please give me high priority - you might be saving a life. Waiting for your response, Yossi from a frum neighborhood in the USA

Dear Yossi,

Baruch Hashem, despite all your problems, you have a job, a wife, and children. Those are three good reasons to dance from morning until night. Please don't take such magnificent blessings for granted, because when you do, you invoke harsh judgments on yourself. That's exactly what you're experiencing now - a pile of harsh judgments heavily weighing you down.

Don't be distressed, because Rebbe Nachman of Breslev teaches us an easy way to rid ourselves of harsh judgments, as follows: Music sweetens harsh judgments. If you begin singing the words of your prayers with feeling and in a clear voice, you'll be actually robing the Holy Shechina (Divine Presence) in radiant garments. I do this all the time; almost every morning, I sing (after Baruch She'omar) Psalm 100 - Mizmor Le'Toda or "A Song of Thanks" to the tune of "Fame", the old Irene Cara hit from the early 1980's. That puts the rest of my morning prayers in an upbeat groove.

Listen Yossi, if you'll work with me, we can pull you out of the dumps in less than an hour. Learn Rebbe Nachman's Lecho Dodi niggun (below). Now, if you go out to a park or for a walk along the river, and apply the words of Tefilla le'oni (Psalm 102) to the above niggun, within 2 minutes the tears will be streaming down your face, you'll be praying from the heart, and you'll be breaking the back of all the harsh judgments against you. Watch how your entire life takes a turn for the better from a few minutes of meaningful prayer with a niggun. Go for it, and I'm sure you'll be a success. Keep me posted. With blessings always, Lazer

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