Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Transformational Insights for Rosh Hashana

As heard in a shiur  by R' Cohen of Young Israel UWS;

Transformational Insights for Rosh Hashana:

  1. As we know, life is filled with ups and downs; if we look to the blwoing of the shofar, it is the recipe for how Hashem intended us to be and how to grow from every given situation.
  • Tekiah-1 solid note
  •  Shivarim-3 broken notes
  • Teruah-9 staggered notes
  • Tekiah Gedola- One long blast
           The notes communicate the idea that man was created "yashar", straight and we look to the tekiah as "yashar". Unfortunately, when we hit a "shivarim", life can break us; and sometimes before we have the chance to be "metaken" ourselves, we can unfortunately become shattered, like "teruah". The message of the shofar is to take the broken pieces that Hashem sends us, the trials and tribulations, should be viewed as nisyonos to rebuild ourselves and our lives to be the elongated "tekiah".
     2. There is a minhag for mothers to bring their small  children to hear the tikiyos, why? B'zchus the small children (their innocence, etc) Hashem should listen to our tikiyos.
     3.Because Hashem remembered, Sarah, Rachel and Chana on RH, we learn that we can daven on behalf of someone else.