Thursday, December 2, 2010

Chanuka ideas from Shaina Guttman

Sparks of Chanukah

YAY!! It’s Chanukah!!!!! I put together a few beautiful points that I heard about Chanukah that really make me happy, I hope you enjoy :)- Shaina

"Chanukah is beyond there is no words to describe it."- Rebbe Nachman.

On Chanukah we are connected to ohr Haganuz, there is always more to know.

On Chanukah we use our eyes. When were in love, we look at someone for hours, not to see what it they look like but to be able to see beyond. That the way we look at our Chanukah candles. We can tap into beyond.

Chanukah is the only chag that happened in Israel, it’s the only chag you need a house for the mitzvah, and it’s the only chag there is no mitzvah to eat a meal. Why?

Eretz yisroel is our land the center of spirituality. In eretz yisroel a person is able to see things more clear, and in a deeper way. In Israel hashem gives us his eyes to see. on Chanukah we can tap into the same ability.

The home is a very important factor in Chanukah. the house is the foundation. the house represent stability and building. in order to be able to spread your light you have to internalize it first and build your foundation. Chanukah is Chinuch, when a father gives his child the opportunity to light chanukka candles it gives him the light to be able to go out and build his own home.

the home also represents routine we should never forget to add light and newness into every routine.

Eating is limiting to your body. there is no concept like that on Chanukah. Chanukah is all about the beyond we are not limited physically.

8- going beyond

Chanukah is very connected to the number 8. 8 represents above nature

Its a time to tap into the infinite.

-we have 8 candles represents the ain sof. chanukkah is beyond physical.

- Lihodot Ulihalel.- Chanukah is connected to the 8th sfira Hod. hod is giving thanks. when someone gives thanks they are realizing somebody is going beyond for them. We have to always thank hashem for going beyond for us and giving us our every need.

-We light by the door a door is the letter Chet, Chet is 8

-Kislev is represented by the letter Samech. Samech Represents loyalty. two Samechs together make the letter 8.

-Chanukah is a time to ask for things that are beyond. Its a big time to daven for ones zivug. Zivugim are Min Hashamaim.


It was the Cohens Job to light the menorah. The cohen is full of light. Whenever people would come to him he would never give rebuke. He was able to see every single persons light from within them. Even if that person did the biggest sin the Cohen would take the persons light and be able to bring it out. Aaron Hacohen was always able to make peace between two people because he would bring out the light from within people. When the Benei Yisroel sinned with the Golden calf Aaron plead forums saying we did not want to do idols we just want a leader. We should be zocheh to see the good in Everyone . (The Cohen wore 8 garments)

The lights of Chanukah have the Ability to bring back the far removed, and the ability to bring out our real Neshamas. Every time the Baal Shem tov would light his candles he wouldn't say anything he would just cry. We must be like candles. Candles are deeper than words.

The Baal shem tov says every time a Fire is lit something is burned. We can take in the light from the candles and burn our bad middot and bad energy from within us.

Rabbi Shimon Bar yochi talks about our hands to light the candles. Our hands are the only part of us the goes beyond our head its the highest part of our body, representing going beyond

The First blessing of Chanukka lehadlick Ner Shel Chukka is 13 words- 13 is the gematria of love.Chanukkah comes out of darkness, it is also a dark time of year. This teaches us that even in the darkness there is light to it. We have to be strong and when things look dark we must have Emuna that Hashem is there and we are never alone.

Rebbe Nachman talks about the parts of our face that represent the candles that through the light we can transform our whole being. Our mouth, eyes, ears and nose.

We can use the Candelas to elevate our mouth by speaking words of truth and torah. Staying away from talking bad about people and do the opposite and be able to bring people up threw our words. Our mouth has amazing ability to connect to hashem through Tfilla and Hitbodedut.

We can Elevate our eyes but shutting them in the face of evil and to be able to see the good in everyone. We can be elevated by our ears by listening to the words of Tzadikim, and not listening to sheker. Our nose can be elevated by taking long breaths of patients and staying away from anger.

The Baal Shem tov says dont change your personality on Chanukka just light it up.

We can use a candle as much as we want and the fire doesn't get smaller it is the same with our light. Every Jewish Neshama has so much light. We must all meditate on the candles to bring out the light. Chag Sameach!!!! :)

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