Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Am Yisroel Chai

YouTube - Tamar Fogel - interview

I saw this video and was just amazed by the maturity of this 12 year old girl. she stresses to klal yisroel in this video exactly what her parents values were. they wanted so badly for am yisroel to be b'yachad. they really believed that NOTHING could break us and that as long as we remain close and do good for our fellow Jew then things will be good. they were evacuated for gush katif several years earlier and her mother did not even fight with her army when they were evacuating, she did not want to fight with her fellow Jew she knew achdus was more important than fighting. Sometimes things happen in life that are horrific and its hard to see Hashem's light, but i think that in this situation, after seeing what the Fogels stood for, its actually quite clear why Hashem out of everyone took their lives. i think Hashem is trying to show us that we need to stand together, and if were not going to do it for our owns sake, we should at least do it for the Fogels sake. Mrs.Fogel always said "shake off the dust. ARISE! put on your splendid clothes my nation" i think that right now we are sitting in the dust of despair from this horrible situation, but if we want to give some nechama to their neshamas and to the Fogels family then we should do our best to come together as a nation, try a little harder to give to your friend and care for your friend..... i think thats a possible message Hashem is trying to send us and if we can just try to really come together as a nation and care for eachother the way the Fogels wanted to and lived their lives , maybe we wont have to see any more tragedies to make this message clearer.........

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