Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Proper Speech Lesson of the Day- 21th of Elul

Please Say/Whisper the Words out Loud
In merit of this learning may Avraham ben Rachel and Shmuel ben Chana be blessed with health, happiness, and only revealed good. May they each merit an immediate refuah shleima bitoch she'ar cholei yisrael.

Throughout history, rumors and lies probably have caused as much misery as war. Over the millennia, lies about the Jews - that they caused the Black Plague, drank the blood of non-Jews, or were involved in an international conspiracy to take over the world - have led to the murder of millions of innocent people.

Similarly, lies and rumors destroy the lives of individuals. Before spreading a negative report remember the Talmuds statement "If something is as clear to you as the fact that your sister is forbidden to you, only then say it" And even in such a case, speak only to those who NEED the information.

(Words that Hurt Words that Heal by Joseph Telushkin)

Create a wonderful day!

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