Tuesday, September 7, 2010

On Rosh Hashana one of the haftarot that we read about is the story of Chana. Chana is our exemplar of tifela. When Chana was barren and obviously really badly wanted a child Elkana was telling her to just be happy with the status quo (perek chet). Sometimes in life we can’t (or at least don’t have to) just be” sameach bichelko”. We CAN ask Hashem for things because we have the gift of a direct line to Hashem- tifela. When she realized she was alone in the situation she decided to stand up for herself. She took action and begged Hashem for a child. Tifela was not a concept in her time. The same goes for Rosh Hahshana we are responsible for ourselves. We cant rely on anyone. We have to daven directly to Hahsem because we can. We have to really feel the tifela. Also its very important to remember to not only ask for things but to also thank Hahsem for everything. Something interesting I heard is there is a midrash that says that it was not that Sarah did not just have kids- she did not even have a womb. Her body was physically unable to carry a child. She davened and sure enough she became pregnant. Never be afraid to ask Hashem our father for anything. He can change (what we think is) the impossible. This Chag when you hear the haftorot think about your tifela and if you are having extreme intense kavana like Chana and Sara did. Iy”Hashem everyone’s tifelot should be answered. Have a meaningful Chag! To everyone who adds to the blog you have no idea what it does for me- and I can only imagine how much it has done for everyone who reads it. SERIOUSLY all I can say is THANK YOU!

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