Friday, May 28, 2010

Dvar Torah-Parshat Be'Haalotcha

In Parshat Be’haalotcha, we see that the Jews were complaining to Hashem yet again. Rashi comments on this that the Jews had no real reason to complain; they were just looking for an excuse to distance themselves from Hashem. When someone sees the good that Hashem does for them, he most probably will not even think of complaining. But when something isn’t going right in your life, that is no time to complain to Hashem either, but rather you should take it as an opportunity to daven and connect with Hashem. If all you do in life is complain, then it will be a lot harder to see the positive in life. So the next time you want to complain about something, think before and see if it’s worth it. Most likely it’s not.
May you all have an amazing shabbis filled with kedusha and simcha!!!

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