Monday, May 31, 2010

If you missed the Rav Ehrman shiur and are curious what went on.....

Incase you missed the Rav Ehrman shiur here are a few ideas from it definitely not everything. (Please feel free to add any ideas that are not here)
There are a lot of tzaros going on and we have to try to always be happy even though there are so many sad things we see and hear about.
When Rebbi Meir Shapiro was on his death bed, he couldn’t talk. He managed to get a writing utensil and the last thing he told his wife was 2 words- “rak bisimcha”. The “Aderet” (Rav Kooks father in law) came 2 hours late to his daughters funeral. Where was he? He was thanking hashem. We must always thank Hashem for the bad equally as you would to the good, so thats what he was busy doing. In Judaism we should always be happy, there is no time to be depressed, not even tisha b’av. We should always try to see the bigger picture. When your davening for a choleh in shul look around at all the healthy people in shul! There is so much to be happy about, weddings bar mitzvahs, births, engagements...bH. The Rambam says never say that something happened by chance. Realize everything is from Hashem. See how you can grow from every situation that Hashem brings. Rashi says that every mitzvah has to be preformed with love.
In relationships try to always think about the other persons prospective, not your own. Don’t try explaining to a baby why you need sleep, don’t buy your wife a great mens suit, don’t give your friend a pacifier when she is sad. Look through the world in their eyes. Also when relating to hashem, don’t talk to him in terms of how you see the world. He knows best and we must follow his ways. Thats why we have the torah, to follow what Hashem wants not what we think is best. If we are not perfect, and maybe a little weird and we still love and accept ourselves, than why cant we love and accept other people just as much? Try to always make others happy. The Maharal says love is making a place in your heart for someone else. We also discussed how hashem counts all our tears. Crying is not a bad thing, its beautiful and the Piasesna says so many people waste their tears on movies, where its all “pretend”. We must always be Bisimcha, even when we cry. Rav Ehrman then (I think) gave a bracha that we should all get married and he brought a quote from RSO. “It’s not good for man to be alone” (RSO= Ribono Shel Olam)


  1. Veve thank you so much for typing it up! I wish i could've been there!!

