Sunday, May 23, 2010

Get a head start and Hashem will come and help you the rest of the way :-)

I heard this idea over shabbos-

We know that in Parshas Naso, Moshe is told to count the Levi'im...who are counted often. What's the difference between the Levi'im getting counted and the rest of bn'Y getting counted? The rest of bn'Y gets counted starting at age 20 but the Levi'im are counted from when they are babies. so...when Hashem told Moshe to count the Levi'im, Moshe asked Hashem, how can I count the babies? That would involve me going into every families' tent while the mothers are taking care of their children and count all the little ones.
so, Hashem's answer to Moshe was: go to each tent and just stand outside, no need to go in. Once you are there I (Hashem) will help you the rest of the way in the counting.

This teaches us the very simple lesson of : when you are in need of help, all you have to do is take the first few steps, and Hashem will be there to help you along the rest of the way...

This dvar Torah was remembered by my 16 year old brother from when he was in 6th grade :-)

1 comment:

  1. thats so special alex!
    really skoyach to You and Your brother!
