Sunday, June 20, 2010

Growth is based on honesty, and to be honest it is really hard for me to daven. Eveyday I wake up dreading that half an hour shacharit where it is just me reciting words that don't really have much meaning to me. This year suddenly things began changing. I got back from Israel on this high but slowly I was reminded of my reality. I thought I would never be able to make davening an enjoyable part of my life. Then I started learning with this wonderful woman. I was teaching her how to read and understand the shemonah esrei, but in doing so, I was the one learning. I learned that every letter, word, and sentence in shacharit is truly applicable to our lives and what is going on in the world today. It is not about shuckling, or trying to get everyones attention that we are frum, and devoted. It is about looking at the words and seeing that they are everlasting and always illuminating to ones life. I noticed this yesterday morning when I woke up to daven shacharit. It was one of those days, a shabbat morning when I simply was not in the mood. Then I began to read berachot and suddenly something hit me. The brachot were composed hundreds of years ago but they pertain to my life, our lives just the same. When we recite the brachot we are asking Hashem to fulfill things he is capable of. For example, one of the berachot discusses making the blind see. Now more than ever we need the " blind" to see. The whole world stands by, ready to attack the state of Israel. They call Israel a human rights violator, an aggressor, a cruel, vicious state. The facts are so clear but the world continues to distort truth. They are blind to the lies that surround them. We need G-D to open their eyes make them see. When we bless Hashem the one who makes the blind see, today we can ask Hashem to take the mask off the ignorant people who criticize Israel. Another Beracha that refers to events taking place now, is blessed be he who releases the imprisoned. 5 years ago I used this beracha to pray that Jonathon Pollard be released, but today sadly another name has been added to the list. Gilad Shalit, an innocent precious brother of ours has been held captive for four years. When we praise Hashem for releasing those who are prisoners, we must pray that he use his capabilities to release Pollard and Shalit. Finally the last bracha we say is blessed be he who gives the tired strength. Sometimes in the morning it is hard to daven, and this bracha wakes me up and reminds me that I am a strong individual who is capable of connecting with Hashem through tefila as hard as it is. On a national level, I pray that Hashem gives the Jewish people and the state of Israel the boost of moral, resources, and emunah, to defeat those who pray for our demise everyday.


  1. wow really wow so nicely written thank you so much
    also like you said to daven for gilad and pollard...also there is zachary baumel and many others.
    its so sad because once zachary was just as "famous" as gilad shalit and now so many don't even know who he is....
    there are others that i should really know their hebrew names and sadly i don't....
    if anyone has their hebrew names please let me know
