Sunday, June 6, 2010

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass....."

This past Shabbos, I was at a very inspirational YACHAD shabbaton. It was the closing end of the year shabbaton with all three YACHAD divisions. People came from near and far, and most YACHAD member’s brought their families. There were many beautiful divrei Torah and speeches. One that really stuck out was one said by Dr. Jeff Lichtman, the director of YACHAD. He stated a quote that he once heard and liked very much. (It was something like this) “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning how to dance in the rain”. He was saying how it’s not good to sit and wait for a rough time to pass. Sometimes storms can take a while until they leave. But you never know, dancing in the rain can be fun too! In life we can’t just sit back when something comes in our way, rather in every situation we must take action and learn to see the best in it. We must learn to live life to the fullest. I met and saw some of the happiest people this passed Shabbos despite many different reasons why they could have chosen to “wait for the storm to pass”. These people taught me a lesson about how to choose how to have the happiest life. It’s about making every moment we have special. I always was a big fan of YACHAD but through this Shabbos and through talking to many parents I learned what a special organization they really are and how much they care for each individual person, and family in every way they can. May we all learn to live our lives to the fullest and let nothing stop us!

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