Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rav Avigdor Miller's Ten Steps to Greatness

1. Spend at least 30 seconds each day thinking about Olam Haba (the World to Come) and that we are in this world only as a preparation for the world to come.

2. Spend a few seconds each day in a private place and say to: "I love you Ha-Shem". You will be fulfilling a positive commandment from the Torah. This will kindle a fire in your heart and will have a powerful effect on your character. Your exteriority bestirs your interiority. Ha-Shem is listening. He loves you much more than you love him.

3. Every day do one act of kindness that no one knows about, in secrecy. Have intention beforehand that you are doing this in order to fulfil your program to greatness. The practice of doing acts of kindliness - Gemilut Hasadim - is one of the three most important functions in the world.

4. Encourage someone every day. "Hashem encourages the humble."

5. Spend one minute a day thinking about what happened yesterday. "Let us search out our ways and investigate." Everyone should have his mind on what he is doing - by reviewing yesterday's actions daily.

6. Make all your actions for the purpose of Heaven. Say once a day: "I am doing (this) in order to be more aware of Ha-Shem."

7. Be aware of the principle: "Man was created in the image of Ha-Shem." Every human face is a reflection of Ha-Shem. Your face is like a screen and your soul like a projector which projects on your face the glory of the human soul, which has in it the greatness of Ha-Shem. Once a day pick a face and think: "I am seeing the image of Ha-Shem." You will begin to understand the endless nobility of a face.

8. Once a day give a person a full smile. Just as Ha-Shem shines on us, we should smile on others. Smile because Ha-Shem wants you to, even though you really don't want to.

When you smile have intentions that you are doing it for the purpose of coming closer to Ha-Shem through the Ten Steps To Greatness.

9. "Ha-Shem clothes the naked." Clothing is a testament to the nobility of man. He is unique: man has free will, has a soul, and is made in the image of Ha-Shem. Even Angels are beneath man in greatness. To demonstrate the superiority of mankind, we must be clothed. Spend 30 seconds in the morning thinking about our garments: what a gift they are from Ha-Shem. Say "Malbish Arumin" (He clothes the naked) out loud.

10. Spend time each day thinking about the olden Jerusalem during the time of the Temple. Every day sit on the floor (before going to sleep), spend one second on the floor and mourn for the destruction of Jerusalem. Think "If I should forget you Jerusalem let my right arm forget."

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